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Things: Part One

Writer's picture: Lisa X LopezLisa X Lopez

The town of Haden's Creek undergoes a bizarre transformation when some... things begin making changes in town. Kathy knows what they make her believe is a lie, but like everyone else, she's powerless to stop them from altering the residents.

Kathy's son is her "boyfriend." Her husband's "girlfriend" is their daughter, Trish. Kathy knows this to be true, and that their relationship is completely normal.

Only, Kathy also knows that it is a lie. There is nothing normal about it. Like everyone else, though, she's trapped in her own head, following the instructions she's being given by the things that have invaded Haden's Creek.

As each day passes, the lies that the residents are living become more and more their reality. Unless Kathy and her family can find a way to break the hold these things have over them all, the truth of who they were will be forgotten entirely.

Chapter One: Completely Normal

Everything was completely normal in the small town of Haden’s Creek, and no one believed in aliens. Only an hour before the early autumn sun began to set, the restaurants on Main Street were filled with dinner diners. The town’s single movie theater showed “Day of the Triffids,” the 1962 classic. Many of the seniors from the high school used the movie as a chance to make out in the dark.

Kathy and her family were finishing dinner at home, and the single local news station was broadcasting the weather. Things were looking clear and warm for the weekend. That was great news for Evan and Trish, Kathy’s fraternal twins, who hadn’t stopped talking about the prom for the past hour. Even as Kathy and her husband, Brad, started on the dinner dishes, the two kids still jabbered away.

“Can you believe how freakin’ old it’s going to feel?” Trish asked and rolled her eyes.

Evan mirrored her eye roll and said, “Ridiculous, right? They won’t play anything released after like 1950.”

“It’s a formal dance,” Kathy said over the hiss of the faucet. “You’re not supposed to be dirty dancing and grinding.”

Trish turned in her seat. “Nobody said anything about dirty dancing. Would it seriously hurt to at least have music that isn’t from Grandma’s prom?”

“Yeah,” Evan threw in. “The classics. Blowjob Betty. It’s Going Down Tonight. Big Papa.”

Kathy choked on her tongue. Brad chuckled and said, “The classics, huh?”

“You’re so gross,” Trish said. “Maybe some Taylor or something, at least.”

Kathy shut off the faucet and dried her hands, then crossed to the table and put a kiss on Trish’s forehead.

“It’s just music,” she said. “You’ll have a great time, whatever they play. And Danny Thompson is going to look dashing in a tux.”

“Dashing?” Trish said.


“Sure, Mom. Dapper.”

Kathy rounded the table and put another kiss on her son’s head.

“And Angie will look beautiful,” she said.

“Hot as… fudge,” Evan agreed.

Trish and Evan shared a laugh that ended abruptly when, through the kitchen window, a flash of light nearly blinded everyone in the room.

“What was—“ Evan said as they all shielded their eyes.

“Jesus!” Brad shouted.

Just as suddenly as it had come, the light vanished. Kathy blinked away spots in her vision and stumbled to the window, where the kids and Brad joined her in peering out.

“What was it?” she asked.

Brad shook his head.

“Solar flare?” Evan suggested.

“You don’t see solar flares, you moron,” Trish said.

Evan shrugged. Then the lights went out. The power kicked back on after only a second, but in the living room the TV showed a black screen and played nothing but a constant tone. The four of them moved toward the TV, and then the outage passed and the news returned.

“Are we back on?” the anchor asked, then nodded to someone off-camera. “We’re back, folks. Pardon the interruption. It looks like we had a little blackout there.”

Brad shrugged and said, “There you go. Just a power out. Completely normal.”

“Completely normal,” Kathy agreed.

“Yeah,” Trish and Evan added. “Normal.”

Chapter Two: Completely Wrong

Being awakened by soft kisses on the neck was not a frequent occurrence after 20 years of marriage, but it wasn’t an unwelcome feeling. With the kids getting ready to graduate, Brad had been getting a bit more amorous lately, and it seemed like tonight was going to be one of those nights. His hand slid underneath Kathy’s top and groped one of her tits.

“Mmm,” she purred. “Keep going.”

Brad’s breath against her neck was hot, and his hard cock pushed against her ass through her panties. His fingers found her nipple and tugged it gently, making Kathy respond by pushing her ass back against his prick. She rolled on her back and offered him her lips in the dark.

Brad’s lips melted into hers, and as his hand squeezed her tits, his tongue snaked into her mouth. God, he was really going for it tonight! Kathy moaned and slid her hand down his chest. It felt different, smoother. Had he shaved it?

What did it matter? She let her hand drift further until she found his cock, and she wrapped her fingers around the thick shaft. Wow! He really was excited tonight. She hadn’t felt his dick get so thick in… well, ever.

When she gave it a teasing stroke, Brad groaned. And it was completely wrong. In the years of dating and marriage, Kathy knew her husband’s every intimate sound. She knew when he was on the brink, and she knew the sound of his orgasm. She knew his gasps, his grunts, his go-to dirty talk. But this groan was one that she didn’t know.

Her hand froze mid-stroke, and she quickly released the thick erection in her hand. His tongue probed her mouth clumsily. That too was completely wrong. Her husband was a skillful kisser, and he knew exactly how to use that tongue in every spot. Oh, fuck! It was completely wrong!

“Stop!” Kathy hissed as she pulled away and stumbled out of bed.

She reached for the bedside light and switched it on. What she saw was completely and utterly wrong. In her bed, totally nude, with a fat, pulsing erection, was her son.

“Oh, my God!” Kathy said and covered her mouth. “Evan?”

“Mom?” Evan said back, a look of total incredulity on his face.

“What the fuck are you doing?“ she hissed.

“What am I—“

Kathy’s head swam, and her breath caught in her throat. This was wrong. It was completely wrong. But there was something… something there. In her head.

Your boyfriend…

Kathy shook her head, and as she reeled back, swaying on her feet, she saw Evan do the same.

“What is—“ he sounded almost drunk, his voice slow and slurred.

Ignore. Boyfriend. Girlfriend. Soulmates. Fuck.

Fuck…“ Evan whispered. “Girlfriend.”

Kathy couldn’t stop the words from coming out of her mouth. “Fuck. Boyfriend.”

And then she saw it. There wasn’t any other way to describe the thing. It wasn’t large, perhaps the size of a large dog. It crawled over the edge of the bed, pulling itself along on tentacles until it was directly behind Evan. Evan’s eyes widened as he looked behind his mother.

Kathy felt it behind her, a presence, but she couldn’t turn. Evan was likewise paralyzed as the thing pushed one of its tentacles into his wide-open mouth. From behind her, another tentacle snaked around Kathy’s face and pushed itself into her mouth. What came out of it was the sweetest thing she’d ever tasted.

The splash against her tongue and into her throat made her eyes roll back in her head. Had the thing not been holding her up, the wave of euphoric pleasure that ran through her body would have made her fall to her knees. There were tears in her eyes, it felt so fucking good.

Just as quickly as it had invaded her mouth, the thing withdrew, as did the one behind Evan. The one on the bed slid away and vanished. The presence behind Kathy seemed to melt into the night.

As Kathy’s mind grappled with the horror of what had just happened, she licked her lips and stared at Evan. Then her eyes drifted down to Evan’s cock. Was it even bigger than before?

It was. She knew it. But that wasn’t all she knew. She knew other things. Things that were completely wrong, and yet they were undeniable facts. Evan was her boyfriend, her lover, her soulmate. She knew it, and yet every logical part of her mind also knew that it was a lie. How could it be both?

She took a step toward the bed. Evan looked shocked, lost, much like Kathy felt. He must be fighting the same internal battle.

“Mom… I—“

“Yes,” Kathy said and climbed on the bed.

Evan raised a hand and groped his mother’s breast. She looked down at it. It felt so good! How could it feel this good? And… Oh, God! Her tits were bigger!

Evan pushed up her tee-shirt and exposed her naked tits. Kathy’s fingers worked against her wishes, grasping the hem of the top and pulling it over her head. Her boyfriend deserved to see her big tits. But it was wrong. Completely wrong.

“Evan, you… you shouldn’t,” she whispered.

“I know.”

But he did. He pulled her down and put his lips around her stiff nipple. Kathy shuddered with the pleasure and pressed his head against her tit, encouraging him to suck on her. One of his hands hefted her breast, while the other went around her waist and squeezed her ass.

Kathy parted her legs. She was so hot. God, was her pussy actually leaking girl cum down her thighs? It was!

Evan pulled his mouth from her nipple and pushed her onto her back. She stared up at his lust-filled eyes with open-mouthed horror. This was going to happen. She couldn’t stop it!

“Evan, you can’t!” she whispered, even as she spread her legs for him.

“I know,” he said, his voice cracking.

He pushed his cock against her wet slit and Kathy jerked. It felt so big! Her son took her legs in his hands and held them as he pushed the fat head of his prick into her sopping sheath.

“Oh, fuck!” Kathy said and whimpered as his thick length opened her up. “Evan… It’s so… so good!”

“So good,” Evan repeated and pushed more of his cock into her.

Kathy humped her cunt up to meet his thrust, taking more of her son’s big dick into her. This couldn’t be happening! She couldn’t be enjoying it!

Evan groaned and pushed his full length into her wet cunt, his balls slapping against her, and Kathy orgasmed so violently that she saw stars. In all her years of marriage, Brad had never made her cum so hard. No vibrator had given her the kind of pleasure that her son’s prick was giving her now.

But in the back of her thoughts was that awful, sticky presence. The thing. The thing that was making her like this. She could feel its own pleasure, like a mirror of her own.

Evan brought his weight down on her, his chest flattening her enlarged tits, as he pulled back his cock and rammed it into her. Kathy’s mind melted again. Then Evan truly began to fuck her, grunting and huffing as he stuffed his prick into his mother.

Hot shots of Evan’s cum plastered Kathy’s insides, setting off another incredible wave of pleasure. The hard bursts of her son’s incestuous cream invaded her womb, just as the thing had somehow invaded her mind. But even as Evan’s fourth hot spray bathed his mother’s channel, he kept on going.

“So good…” he grumbled as he pounded into her depths. “So fucking good, Mom!”

Kathy clung to him, her legs around his waist and her nails digging into his shoulders. He was right. God help her! He was so right. But it was completely wrong. And she didn’t want him to stop.


What else can go wrong in this little town? Find out in the full story, Things.

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